Polar Bear Clubs in many northern hemisphere cities near bodies of water, have a tradition of holding organized plunges on New Year's Day. 北半球国家里有很多组织类似活动的北极熊俱乐部,它们一般都设在水域边,也有在新年组织北极熊跳的习俗。
The oocytes undergoing meiotic division sequentially extrude the first and the second small polar bodies from the large oocytes. 卵母细胞在减数分裂过程中相继排出第一和第二极体。
Preliminary research on lunar probe orbit control technology based on planar two bodies model and planar polar three bodies model is introduced in this paper. 进行了基于二体模型和平面三体模型的登月飞行器轨道控制方法的初步研究。
Objective: To establish the method of preimplantation genetic diagnosis ( PGD) by use of first polar bodies. 目的:建立采用第一极体植入前染色体非整倍体诊断的方法。
You can move through snow-covered and icy terrain at your normal movement. The air picks up moisture from the polar ice cap and bodies of water it may pass over. 你能以正常速度通过积雪和结冰的地域。空气从它可能经过的北极冰帽和水域吸收水分。
The air picks up moisture from the polar ice cap and bodies of water it may pass over. 空气从它可能经过的北极冰帽和水域吸收水分。
Under normal conditions, polar bodies don t participate the embryo development and are small non-function cells. 长久以来,人们都认为极体在正常情况下不参与动物的胚胎发育而退化,是无功能的小细胞。
[ Objective] To establish the method of chromosome analysis of first polar bodies ( 1PBs) by using whole chromosome painting probes in fluorescence in-situ hybridization ( FISH). 目的建立用全染色体涂抹探针(WCP)对卵子第一极体进行荧光原位杂交(FISH)检测染色体的方法。
The classical Brunn-Minkowski's inequality is the heart of convex bodies theory. The Brunn-Minkowski's inequality for mixed projection bodies was obtained by Lutwak. We find the Brunn-Minkowski's inequality for the polar of mixed projection bodies. 关于凸体的Brunn-Minkowski不等式是凸体理论的精髓,混合投影体的Brunn-Minkowski不等式也由Lutwak所证明,我们则证明了投影体的极体的Brunn-Minkowski型不等式。
19 of 23 ova ( 83%) extruded the first polar bodies observed with histologic procedures. 23个卵母细胞经体外培养后用组织学方法观察,19个(成熟率83%)排出第一极体。
The chromosomes within these Polar bodies have the same genetic and reproductive Poten cials as those left in the oocytes and can be used for production of fertile off spring. 这些极体内的染色体和留在卵母细胞内的染色体同样具有遗传和生殖潜力,可用作生产有生殖能力的后代。
Tetraploidy was induced by inhibition of the first and the second polar bodies in normal diploid zygotes. 药物直接抑制二倍体马氏珠母贝受精卵第一极体和第二极体的释放,诱导四倍体;
Polar distribution of lectin receptors was observed on tailed generative cells. Some first polar bodies divided into two small cells. 在朱顶红生殖细胞的表面有前两种凝集素的受体,分布比较均一,但是没有大豆凝集素的受体。部分受精卵的第一极体有极明显的分裂现象。
Study on the First and the Second Polar Bodies in Mammals 哺乳动物第一和第二极体的研究
Little Things Little Drops of Water Mammalian Polar Bodies 哺乳动物的极体
After staining, the first polar bodies and chromosomes could be seen, which showed the oocytes were at middle stage of second miosis. 染色或切片后可见第一极体和染色体,说明处于第二次成熟分裂的中期。
Then," coverage apogee "condition is applied to trajectory study under planar polar three bodies model. 接着将“远地点可达”概念应用于平面三体模型下的向月飞行的轨道研究;
With the activation of the dispersed sperms, the eggs released their first and second polar bodies and finished their meiotic division. 精子入卵后去致密并且激发卵子恢复两次成熟分裂,排放出第一及第二极体,完成成熟分裂;
Application of Whole Chromosome Painting Probes in Fluorescence In-situ Hybridization of First Polar Bodies 用全染色体涂抹探针进行卵母细胞第一极体荧光原位杂交